


I Wasn’t Read My Miranda Rights When I Was Arrested… Can I Get My Case Dismissed?

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You’ve likely heard the iconic Miranda rights spoken at some point in your life. The familiar words have been adopted into the lexicon of TV dramas and action movies, where they are painted as a mandatory step in the arrest process. But, in reality there are very specific conditions that warrant a recitation of Miranda rights.

What are Miranda Rights?

Miranda rights, also known as Miranda warnings, inform a person of their legal rights based on the 5th and 6th Amendments of the Constitution. 

  • You have the right to remain silent.
  • Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.
  • You have the right to have an attorney present.
  • If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.

Miranda rights are named after the U.S Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona. Ernesto Miranda was arrested for stealing. After multiple hours of questioning, Miranda confessed to stealing, as well as kidnapping and rape. Prior to confessing, he was never told that he did not have to speak to police, nor that he was allowed to consult with an attorney. He was found guilty of the charges based on his confession.

His conviction was appealed to the Supreme Court, where the Justices ruled that Miranda should have been informed of his Constitutional rights prior to questioning. His statements to police should not – and could no longer – be used as evidence in court. Because of this ruling, police are required to inform suspects of their Miranda rights under certain circumstances.

Two things must happen to trigger an advisement of rights. First, a suspect must be in custody. Second, they must be undergoing questioning or interrogation.

For example, if you are arrested for a DUI and the officer does not read you your rights, it is because you are in custody, but not being questioned. If an officer approaches you and asks to speak to you, he does not have to read you your rights, as you are being questioned but you are not in custody. It is wise to always exercise your rights to silence and an attorney if you feel you are being investigated for a crime.

Miranda Rights in Idaho – Idaho v. Kent

Every state has different court opinions clarifying Miranda rights and how they should be applied. In 2020, the Idaho Court of Appeals overturned a district court’s decision to throw out statements made by the defendant, who asserted that his right to silence was violated.

James Kent was being questioned but was not in custody. The officer began to read Kent his Miranda rights when Kent interrupted, insisting that he would not answer any questions. The officer finished reading the Miranda rights, and asked if Kent would speak to him. Kent said he would, and eventually made incriminating statements.

The district court chose to throw out these statements, asserting that although reading the Miranda warnings was unnecessary, once they are read an officer cannot ignore the statement that Kent would not answer questions. The district court maintained that his statements obtained afterwards were in violation of his right to silence.

This decision was appealed, and the Idaho Supreme Court overturned the district court’s decision for two reasons. Miranda rights had been inappropriately applied to a non-custodial interrogation, and Kent had made his statements voluntarily. His incriminating statements were allowed to be used as evidence, and the case proceeded.

In Conclusion

The applications of Miranda warnings are highly complex. A situation where you might expect to hear Miranda rights may not actually warrant them. Not being read your Miranda rights does not mean that your case will automatically be dismissed.

If you have questions about your arrest, or you are being investigated for a crime, you should immediately consult an attorney who can look at your situation and provide guidance.


The Impact of a DUI on Your Record and Insurance in Idaho

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Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Idaho, as it is in many other states. If you or someone you know is facing a DUI charge, it’s essential to understand the potential consequences, both in terms of legal repercussions and the effect on car insurance. In this post, we’ll delve into the long-term implications of a DUI on your record and how it can impact your insurance premiums in Idaho.

DUI on Your Record in Idaho

In Idaho, a DUI conviction remains on your driving record permanently. This means that any time a potential employer, landlord, or other entity conducts a background check, they can see this conviction. However, when it comes to sentencing for subsequent DUI offenses, Idaho typically has a “look-back” period of 10 years. If you’re convicted of another DUI within a decade of the first, the penalties are required to be more severe, as the new DUI is considered a subsequent offense.

While the permanent nature of a DUI on your record might seem daunting, there are some potential avenues for relief:

  • Withholding of Judgment: Especially for first-time offenders, a judge might grant a withheld judgment. This means that while you might plead or be found guilty, the judge doesn’t enter a formal conviction. If you complete probation successfully, the charge can be dismissed. This doesn’t erase the DUI from your record, but there’s no formal conviction.
  • Sealing or Expunging: Idaho doesn’t offer a traditional expungement process for DUI convictions. However, in specific circumstances, you might be able to seal your record, making the conviction invisible to the general public.
  • Pardons: A less common route, individuals can seek a pardon from the state’s governor. This doesn’t erase the conviction but can restore certain rights.
  • Reduction of Charge: Sometimes, a DUI charge might be reduced to a lesser offense, like reckless driving. This means you won’t have a DUI conviction, though the arrest remains on your record.

DUI and Car Insurance in Idaho

A DUI conviction doesn’t just affect your legal record; it also has a significant impact on your car insurance in Idaho. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Increased Premiums: After a DUI, your insurance premiums will likely increase significantly. Insurance companies view DUI offenders as high-risk drivers and adjust rates accordingly.
  • SR-22 Requirement: Idaho often requires drivers with a DUI conviction to obtain an SR-22 certificate from their insurance company. This form proves you have the minimum required liability insurance. This requirement lasts for three years, during which your insurance rates will likely be higher. If you are granted a withheld judgment after your case is dismissed, the SR-22 requirement will be terminated early – making the requirement last only 6 months instead of three years.
  • Possible Cancellation or Non-renewal: Some insurance companies might cancel or choose not to renew a policy for a driver with a DUI conviction. In such cases, you’ll need to find another insurer, often at a higher rate.
  • Long-term Implications: A DUI can affect your insurance rates for many years. Even after the SR-22 requirement has ended, the DUI can still impact your premiums. Insurance companies typically consider DUIs when determining rates for 3 to 7 years, though this can vary.


A DUI conviction in Idaho has long-lasting implications, both legally and financially. If you’re facing a DUI charge in Ada County, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced Boise DUI attorney who can guide you through the process, potentially reduce the charges, and advise on the best steps to mitigate the impact on your future.

While the road post-DUI might seem challenging, with the right legal guidance you can navigate the situation and work towards a more favorable outcome.

What Happens When You’re Arrested in Idaho

What Happens When You’re Arrested in Idaho?

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For a lot of people, the criminal justice system is a bit of a mystery. Some may have a general idea about how legal processes work, but very few have a deep understanding of what exactly will happen to them if they are arrested. Not knowing what to expect can create major anxiety for someone who has been, or is anticipating being, arrested.

If you’re searching for what happens when you’re arrested in Idaho, you are probably feeling confused and a bit frightened for yourself or a loved one. The criminal justice system doesn’t have to remain a mystery. Here, we will discuss what happens when you’re arrested in Idaho and provide some tips on what you should do during the process.

When Can You Be Arrested?

In Idaho, there are three situations in which a person can be arrested. The police can arrest you if they physically see you commit a crime, have probable cause to believe you committed a felony, or have a warrant issued by a judge. Note that probable cause alone is not enough to trigger an immediate arrest for misdemeanor crimes. As of 2019, the Idaho Supreme Court ruled that police may not arrest you for a misdemeanor crime unless they witnessed you commit it, or they have a warrant.

If you are concerned that your situation doesn’t fall under these circumstances, inform your attorney so they can investigate the circumstances of your arrest.

The Process of an Arrest in Idaho

First, you are taken into custody.

During an arrest, police officers will give you orders. Politely comply with instructions. Do not run, fight, or talk back – even if you believe you are being arrested unfairly. Once an arrest is initiated, you will not be able to talk yourself out of it. Being combative or fleeing can only do more harm and may lead to more charges.

You will be asked basic questions such as your name, date of birth, and address. Police officers will ask for a form of identification, as well as insurance and registration if you were driving.

Officers will most likely try to question you about what you were doing. You do NOT have to answer these questions, nor should you. If police are questioning you about what you were doing, who you were with, or any details about the alleged crime, it’s time to ask for a lawyer. If they continue trying to get details from you, keep asking for a lawyer.

Next, you are processed and entered into the local jail’s system.

The arresting officer will transport you to their local facility. Depending on the circumstances of your arrest, you may first be taken to the local police station for an interview while officers fill out necessary forms and paperwork. You do not have to answer any questions other than basic information about yourself. After this, you will be taken to the local jail. If it’s a loved one who has been arrested, it may take a few hours after the arrest for them to be processed and show up in the jail’s system. If you are calling to inquire about a loved one who was recently arrested, do not panic if the jail doesn’t have a record of them within a few hours of the arrest.

Upon arrival, you will be processed and your information entered into the jail’s system. This includes fingerprinting and basic questions such as name, address, and date of birth. From there, you will be moved to a general holding area or a separate room for questioning. Prior to questioning, you may be given a form to acknowledge your rights. Always read these forms carefully, particularly if you are being asked to sign. If the form only states your constitutional rights, you may sign it. If you have questions or are unsure, request to have your attorney look it over.

While in custody, you will be constantly monitored. Everything you say can be heard. If you are with someone else in holding, do not give them any information regarding your situation or your charges. Phone calls in Idaho jails are recorded, so be careful not to make self-incriminating statements. It’s incredibly easy to give information that can be used against you.

It is a common belief that you will immediately be given a phone call upon being processed. The rules surrounding phone calls and when they may be given are governed by local laws, and different facilities have different protocols. Do not become combative if you are not given your phone call right away. It may take several hours before you are allowed a call.

Finally, you will attend initial court proceedings.

Within 24 hours of being arrested, you will have your first appearance in front of a judge. This initial hearing is typically referred to as the preliminary arraignment or bail hearing. At this point, the judge will inform you of your rights and what you can expect in the following court proceedings. If you don’t have an attorney at this time, you will have the chance to obtain one. If you cannot afford an attorney, the judge will appoint a public defender. Then, the judge will review your charges and set bail. You will receive a notice with your next court date. This notice must be signed once you receive it, verifying for the court that you received this important information. If you are denied bail, you will not be able to leave the facility.

What happens next is complicated and depends entirely on the charges against you.

The next steps of your case are highly dependent on the charges brought against you. How to proceed is best navigated with an experienced attorney by your side. An experienced attorney has seen it all before and will have detailed knowledge of the criminal justice system. You will be kept informed of each step of the process, so you don’t have to worry about what comes next.

Being arrested is often a scary, confusing process, whether it is happening to you or a loved one. Understanding what you can expect in those early days can help soothe some of the anxiety that comes with being taken into custody.

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